Sunday, June 30, 2013


The month of June was a blur. So many end of the year parties, recitals, games, picnics. All good and many memories to be made but I am exhausted. Here is a sample of the month:

First dance recital

You can call it a dance recital, but I'm not dancing!

Miss Shannon Dance teacher
End of year party
Pro Water Ballooner

Best Friends since kindergarten
Soccer Dudes, funny looking coach on left

Birthday party fun

Sausage Party

Gymnastics Line up

Miss Christine!
Last Day of Parkview Elementary, yes the whole family goes to the bus stop

My new 4th grader

Let's go summer !!!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Fa La La La La

Connor had his 3rd grade concert last week. Is there anything cuter than third graders singing tunes from the show "Hairspray"! Our school does an intermediate and middle schools, so this is the last two weeks of elementary for Connor. I feel like he is leaving for college. I think we have a bit to go.

9 years old

Job interview or concert?

7 songs on the recorder

Introducing the last song...

It's over, broken hand or not, I got my ice!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

She's Got Me There

Charlotte is one smart little girl. She knows her Mama loves to take a billion pictures of her. How could I not, she is beautiful, adorable, a cutie, kind, smart, (so biased)! She has finally found a defense mechanism to just make me stop. Whenever she gets bored of me just saying, "just one more", she puts on these faces to make me stop. I can't help but laugh, they are funny!!!

Took only 46 shots to get this one.

Brother gets into the act at the Dr.'s office. Oh why do they put you in the room when you are still waiting for the Dr. Kids touch EVERYTHING!!

My personal favorite