Friday, December 31, 2010


                                                       Bye 2010 !!

Welcome 2011 !!

To think that Charlotte is already having her happy new year already. I hope she is smiling and laughing and having a wonderful day. We can't wait to go to China and meet her and give her hugs and kisses. 2010 was a good year for our family.
We did a lot of traveling, Disney, Cape Cod, Key West, and lots of day trips. Connor did great in kindergarten and first grade, he is our joy everyday. 

Our families are healthy and safe, what more can you ask for? Well, a win tonight in the Mega millions jackpot would be nice, but I think we will just dream about our little sister/daughter instead.

Happy New Year to everyone! May all your dreams come true in 2011!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

My Best Friend , My Printer

I feel very warm and fuzzy towards my printer today. I feel very lucky to be able to download documents, applications, visa information, overnight slips with just a click. That said, it is pretty scary sending your passports in the mail to get a visa. I'm not worried about getting them back, I am worried about my picture. Not attractive at all!! The photo lady kept telling me to push my hair back behind my ears, not to smile, look serious. It is one scary shot! Will not be posting that one.

We are now waiting on TA, travel approval from China, which could take 3-6 weeks, and then we can book our flights, etc. I was told the wait until you travel from referral is hard, and being only one week in, they were right. Knowing Charlotte is well cared for is a comfort, but I just want to bring her home now.
My nine year old next door neighbor asked why we just can't get on a plane tomorrow and go get her. She's got a point. We are more than ready.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Over The River and Thru the Woods

Here is the traditional Federal Express delivery picture that I have witnessed on many China adoption blogs. Of course my package had to come on one of the biggest shipping days of the year so it was nearly 7:00pm when it came. I barely let her get our of her truck and quickly explained why I was taking pictures. Such a nice lady, I hope I didn't scare her!
Inside this package were  the original referral pictures, medical exams, papers requiring our signatures. Charlotte's pictures are even more beautiful in person.
The staring continues.............

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Referral Reflections

Morning Gingerbread House Party
Waiting for "The Email", AKA Glued to Chair

Seeing Charlotte for the first time
Just wanted to do a post about referral day. It was such an emotional day that by writing it down I think I will remember the day more so that I can tell Charlotte every detail. Like I previously said, we didn't expect the referral call until Monday. In the morning I was at Connor's first grade Xmas Gingerbread House Party. Connor had a great time, I was so distracted, in building his house his roof kept sliding off, gummies were all over the place. It looked like an earthquake hit. Why are some parents so crafty!! I missed that gene.

Back at home, I began a cleaning frenzy. The kind where you dust the stairs, wash lamps, disinfect door knobs. The kind of cleaning you never really do. Then I wrapped all my Xmas gifts. Something I never do early.  I didn't know what to do with myself. I felt like something was going to happen that day. I promised myself I would not spend the afternoon looking at the computer, I needed to get stuff done by Monday. But, around 2:40pm I sat down and said, OK, one quick look see, and at that SAME  moment the phone rang, and I could see on the phone it said Great Wall of China Adoption. Looking at the computer I saw an hour before GW had emailed me that the stork had  landed!

Great Wall of China Adoption Agency is in Texas, and my new best friend Deidre said in the most southern accent, Congratulations, It's a girl, and then told me all about Charlotte. I was pretty calm asking all the questions and getting the information, I just kept thinking , I can't believe I am all alone when this call came!! Peter was at work, Connor at school.  We hung up, I called  Peter and told him to hurry home, (drive safely! no pressure!) because the email of pics were going to come in a few hours.
A few hours, that is where the torture really came. The next two hours we had to wait for the email to see her beautiful face. Peter came home with flowers and we waited, and paced, and puttered, and  the email finally came. Then we were a family of four.
Charlotte Lorraine, 11 months

Staring Contest

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Charlotte, Our Surfer Girl

Here is another referral picture that was emailed to us on Friday. Not quite sure why she is sitting on what seems to be the ocean floor, but Peter now can't wait to take her bass fishing next year.  Fishing is fine, but you know she is going to wear bows in her hair and have a pink fishing vest. Does Gymboree sell them? Must find out!
I can't wait to see her smile. She looks a  little sad in our referral pictures, which is common for referral pictures. I can't wait to make her laugh and giggle. Charlotte is 11 months old today.  We wish we could celebrate with her today, soon baby, soon.

Thank you again for all the kind wishes for our family!!!!!!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Introducing Our Daughter

We are proud to announce our daughter and Connor's little sister,

                     Charlotte Lorraine                                            

Her Chinese name is Yi Xiao Fei. She is so beautiful. We are in love.

Bless The Broken Road That Led Us Straight to You

                               It's A  Girl  !!!!

We are waiting on pictures from our agency, as soon we do we will post her pictures. We have been told she is adorable and her hair sticks straight up (so Peter's daughter). We will also announce her name!

This is what we know.

Born January 19, 2010  (11 Months old)

She is in foster care in the Jiangxi Province.

As of October she was 16 1/2 lbs, 27 1/2 inches long

She is a moderate sleeper (me too!)
Can hold her head up, sits up, crawls on hands and knees, follows visual objects and people. Is close to her caretaker and laughs out loud.

We are so happy.  We expected the referral on Monday, so we were surprised today to say the least, Peter wasn't even home! I was home alone when we got the call so no pictures of the referral moment, but let me tell you there were tears, and lots of stumbling for words to the agency rep. Connor has already mentioned to me he wants to celebrate his baby sister, by going to Taco Bell. I am going to suggest a little better than that!! What a wonderful day.  Thank you all for the good wishes. Stay tuned later today.
Merry Christmas Everyone!!!!!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

All I Want for Christmas Is You

Today our agency told us  that referrals are being mailed and should be here next week.  Such a wonderful time of year to receive such news. After waiting (and complaining) for so long, it is so strange to switch gears.  I am happy. I am happy just to walk in her room and realize our dream is going to come true. I am also nervous. So much change, so many questions. How old will she be, where is she, is she  talking. It is very exciting knowing all my questions will be answered in one phone call and an email.  It's no wonder I haven't slept in weeks.  To be able to see her face for the first time. The countdown to Christmas  has never been more meaningful.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


I love this story. In August, Peter , Connor and I went to Montauk, and after climbing the lighthouse  and walking the beach, we decided to go to Gosmans for dinner. This restaurant is partially outside, right on the ocean. When we asked for a table for three, I said to Peter to think next summer it will be a table for four. We sat down for dinner and as we were ordering, Connor noticed a ladybug on the empty chair. Ladybugs happen to be the symbol for China adoption. Even Peter, who is just not a "sign" kind of guy was impressed. The ladybug crawled around the chair, then just sat there, for the entire dinner, as if it was eating dinner with us. It never flew away. When we were leaving, I picked it up and placed it in a bush that was on the side of the restaurant. Knowing we had a long ride home I decided to go to the ladies room and when I opened the door ,on line was an Asian girl of about 2 who was with her American mother. They were playing peek a boo  and laughing so Connor and I joined in too. It was just such a strange coincidence after just leaving the ladybug. Signs, I am not sure, but it was a happy afternoon with our ladybug. 
 Anyway, I got an email today from our agency rep stating that matching really has begun today. Since my agency is confirming it, I really do think it is happening now and not just a rumor. Referrals may come next week, right before Christmas. What a perfect miracle it would  be.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Weekend Outlook

Going into the weekend, I tell myself I am going to have a zen outlook.  Wait? What wait? I am too busy remaining calm, breathing. Finding my inner peace. I would do a mountain pose if I could get up from the computer long enough to do something other than finding rumors about referrals. Or possibly do more xmas shopping, or wrapping, baking, or......just breathe.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

What Are They Matching?

The rumor more than a week ago was the CCAA was in the middle of matching. Since my agency is stating today they have not even started to match families with babies, I think the rumor needed clarification. Were they matching socks?

The process for matching is so important, and the task the CCAA is providing for so many families and babies is huge, really I am in awe that it happens at all, and yet it does all the time.
I've waited this long, I can do more for her. However long.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Not Quite LOL Today

My agency said today there was nothing new, no movement on referrals. No surprise fed ex package coming today. It is so quiet out there in terms of rumors, it is a little scary. I honestly don't know what day it will come, not even sure if this is the week. Trying not to get down about it.  I have no control over it so just have to let it play out and go along for the journey. One day I will get to tell her the story of how her mother could not go into the den where the computer was without checking for updates, sometimes 25 times a day. I am at the computer checking for rumors so much , maybe we should name her Dell. Nah...Sigh!!

Friday, December 3, 2010

You Can Hear a Pin Drop

It's back to waiting, something I think I have perfected. According to Rumor Queen, after the matching rumor, there has been nothing. Zilch. Nada. Usually right after the matching rumor , referrals are sent, families are formed, and the celebration begins. We are stuck at the gate. Fogged in. Rain delay. Whatever you want to call it, we are in waiting limbo this weekend. I have been reading Rumor Queen for years and can't remember a referral group that just arrived without her knowing beforehand, but she says it has happened. My guess is Tuesday or Wednesday, quite possibly on my sister's birthday. So another long weekend.

Thankfully with Christmas coming and a six year old, we have plenty to do. Tree decorating, shopping, a party, throw in a few views of The Grinch Who Stole Christmas and Frosty The Snowman. Santa knows what is on our list this year, but this waiting doesn't make it easy not to pout!

Enjoy the season everyone!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


The Rumor Queen has confirmed that China is matching babies to their families right now. As I type. Since we are next , someone at the CCAA is pulling our dossier from the MANY files they still have, looking at our pictures, our paperwork and matching us with our daughter. It is a common theme among many of the families that I know who are already home with their children, that remarkably, magically, just lucky (?) , they were  matched with  the most perfect child for that family. It is an odd feeling knowing it is happening right now. What a tremendous and important job the person at the CCAA has. I wonder if they have been doing it a long time. Do they get bored like any other person who has worked at a job a long time. Do they want to just go home and watch the Chinese version of Glee ? Get some lunch?
Ok, I have to think that this person is looking  at our file and  feels we will be the perfect family for the file of the baby they are holding. I can't wait to hold that baby.

There is only one pretty child in the whole world, and every Mother has it.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

One More Seat at the Table

Just thinking how next Thanksgiving, there will be one more at the dinner table. The wait will be over. She will be here. We normally use a kids table at my sister's house, but I think I just might hold her tight on my lap. Many things to be thankful for this year. My parents ongoing health, the ability to stay home from work for a time, a happy, healthy six year old, so many family and friends that have supported us during this wait. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

She's Waiting too!

Our first little baby, who is almost 12 and 7 lbs., Annabelle. She is our beautiful Yorkie who we love and who loves her family. Ok, she might be wildly  misunderstood, poorly trained, known to guard her perimeters with enthusiasm. All right she barks, a lot. She has been known to nip neighboring  adult males ankles. She more than begs at the table, if she wasn't so small, she'd pull up a chair.  But to us she is just a kissy  girl. Always happy when we walk in the door, following you room to room, looking for her belly rub.   She adjusted just fine when Connor arrived and now they are BFF's. We are hoping for the same luck again!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

World Travelers? Us?

It hasn't been lost on me that  in a few weeks, we will be going to China. China. It seems so adventurous, exotic, exciting and a little scary. China is far, really far. I have been known  to make a whole day revolve around a trip to Target, never mind somewhere on the other side of a globe.  Usually when you travel you want to experience the culture, cuisine, history, and we will. But this is a trip of a lifetime, meeting our daughter for the first time.  Before and after "gotcha day" or "family day", we will have a few days in China to travel and sight see. I am looking forward to it all,  experiencing China with her as a family.   Try and do a google map search when we are away, you just might see us on The Great Wall of China, beaming with pride.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Year of the Tiger?

If you ask Connor his favorite animal, he has always said Tiger. I am not even sure why until we got to this year and realized this past Chinese New Year was the year of the Tiger. We are taking it as a sign that just maybe she has been born this Chinese new year. Coincidence that Peter wears this shirt ? Not really, he just liked it.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Rumor Queen

The Rumor Queen is an adoption blog where you can learn, discuss,  and meet people who are either waiting to adopt or who are home. Anything about China adoption is on her blog. It has been a godsend to me during this wait, as she also does predictions of when referrals will come out and how many. Right now she is looking at  a November 29th thru December 6th referral.  Looks like we may be hanging an ornament on the tree this year with our daughters picture.

Monday, November 1, 2010

This Time I Mean It, We Are Next! Really!

Well, we weren't quite next in this last referral group. They made it until May 23rd, and we are LID May, 24, 2005 which means we are absolutely, positively,  next. I was disappointed at first, but as I have gotten used to during  this wait, I have to put it in perspective for my sanity. More time to work on her nursery and we will be able to spend Christmas with Connor and our family.  It is just difficult to know that our daughter has been born and is either in an orphanage or in foster care. I pray she is being protected and loved until we are able to bring her home. We may never know the circumstances of her birth, never know the story of why her birth parents were unable to raise her, but I am humbled by their decision.  In every adoption there is a loss, and in our daughter's short life, she already has lost her birth parents and will lose  her birth culture . I pray that we will be able to show her how much we wanted her to be part of our family and give her a life of love and happiness she may had never known. We will always know we are the lucky ones to be able to bring her home to our family.

Did I mention we were next?

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Big Brother in the Making

I love this picture of Connor. He was 20 months old. This was the night we were putting the finishing touches on our dossier that we were sending to China. He didn't understand it then, but we did explain that he would one day have a sister who was born in China. As the wait turned from 6 months to years, we always talked about it.  Our social worker came to the house many times, played with Connor, talked to him about having a sister. We have met many families who have adopted children from China, and play dates with these families have just been a part of Connor's life. Picnics, Xmas parties, parks, Chinese New Year, etc. When the wait became hard, or a set back was thrown our way, I would try not to talk about it too much in case it never happened.  Yet Connor would talk about her. If he saw  a webkinz she might like, or saw a Barbie in the doll aisle, he would talk about her. He is such a kind, loving boy, that I know he is ready. Ready to be that big brother. Ready to play with, protect, and yeah, even share some toys. Just don't touch bunny! or, Obi One Kanobi, or my monster trucks...and so it starts.  I can't wait!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Hurry Up and Wait!

So what exactly are waiting for now? Two things. One is a form called the I-171 from the USCIS which gives us the ok from the United States to become parents to a child from China. We have received this form 4 times already, paying to update every time. They must REALLY think we are good parents. We expect this form in the mail any day. We can't travel to China without it.

Most importantly we are waiting for our referral. Every month, China matches children with dossiers they have on file. If your number is up, kind of like the line at a bakery, your in! We have a Logged in Date (LID) of May, 24, 2005.  We were expecting to be  in the next referred group, but my agency said it is more likely next month.  So frustrating.  We really thought we were going to be seeing our daughters face for the first time, but as usual, we wait.

In the meanwhile we are busy decorating her room and walking aimlessly around Babies R Us. Not knowing how old she will be, it's hard to buy anything yet. But, it's fun to look! 

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Nitty Gritty

Paper. More paper. We have endured 4 home studies, 7 fingerprint appointments , and more delays than any LIRR commuter train. We applied to the China adoption program due to its reputation as being stable and reliable.  Sending in our application in December, 2005, our agency told us it would be a 12 month wait. Going unsuccessfully thru infertility treatments, this was music to our ears, for all we really wanted was a baby, to add to our family. After reading so many blogs of  people who had adopted from China, it felt like the most natural perfect fit for us. So far, the process has been stable , but reliably ssllloooww. We have been told so many reasons for they delay, the Olympics, earthquakes, swine flu, and also probably the biggest reason, China must deal with ramifications of the one child per family rule with a preference for boys. China is also trying to increase domestic adoption in their own country, dealing with a future generation of an inbalance of men to woman ratio.  We have also been told because of the economic boom in China, there are just not babies available to adopt.  Getting back to us, because it is all about us, lol, we have been busy raising  our son Connor.  As long as the program did not close, we felt it would happen. Years went by, paperwork updated, I think we are finally here.  Honestly, whatever brings us to our daughter, we'd do it. What's a few grey hairs!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The First One

This is it. The first one. My very first blog post. I am starting this blog to keep family and friends updated on our upcoming adoption and travel to China.  We expect our referral in about two weeks after waiting 4 years and 10 months. Our son Connor is six years old and is ready to be a big brother. When I put him to bed at night I always have told him I love him more than all the stars in the sky. We both say that somewhere in China, his sister sees the same moon. Join us here as we start our journey.