Saturday, November 13, 2010

World Travelers? Us?

It hasn't been lost on me that  in a few weeks, we will be going to China. China. It seems so adventurous, exotic, exciting and a little scary. China is far, really far. I have been known  to make a whole day revolve around a trip to Target, never mind somewhere on the other side of a globe.  Usually when you travel you want to experience the culture, cuisine, history, and we will. But this is a trip of a lifetime, meeting our daughter for the first time.  Before and after "gotcha day" or "family day", we will have a few days in China to travel and sight see. I am looking forward to it all,  experiencing China with her as a family.   Try and do a google map search when we are away, you just might see us on The Great Wall of China, beaming with pride.

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