Friday, December 17, 2010

Bless The Broken Road That Led Us Straight to You

                               It's A  Girl  !!!!

We are waiting on pictures from our agency, as soon we do we will post her pictures. We have been told she is adorable and her hair sticks straight up (so Peter's daughter). We will also announce her name!

This is what we know.

Born January 19, 2010  (11 Months old)

She is in foster care in the Jiangxi Province.

As of October she was 16 1/2 lbs, 27 1/2 inches long

She is a moderate sleeper (me too!)
Can hold her head up, sits up, crawls on hands and knees, follows visual objects and people. Is close to her caretaker and laughs out loud.

We are so happy.  We expected the referral on Monday, so we were surprised today to say the least, Peter wasn't even home! I was home alone when we got the call so no pictures of the referral moment, but let me tell you there were tears, and lots of stumbling for words to the agency rep. Connor has already mentioned to me he wants to celebrate his baby sister, by going to Taco Bell. I am going to suggest a little better than that!! What a wonderful day.  Thank you all for the good wishes. Stay tuned later today.
Merry Christmas Everyone!!!!!


  1. SO, SO , SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations on your new baby daughter!

  2. I am an RQ follower and love this time of the month!! Congratulations!! When your saughter was born we were in China meeting our new 3 yaer old daughter!!! Her birthday is January 23rd!
    Kathie in NY

  3. Congratulations Trish!! SO happy for you!!

  4. WooHoo!!! So happy for you all. Can't wait to see pictures!!!

  5. Congratulations! Can't wait to start going through my closets so that I can pass along some of Jessie's stuff to you. Looking forward to her photo. Wonderful news...

  6. Congrats! We're waiting for our I-800 approval for our little one for Jiangxi as well. Can't wait to see pics :)

  7. I am crying as I write this! So very happy for you, Peter, and Connor. Enjoy your dinner out, you deserve it. We are so very happy for you all. Can't wait to meet her :)

  8. Came over from RQ. 3 1/4 years ago I had a 6 year old dying to meet her new sister who was also from Jiangxi and in foster care. Today she is the most adorable 4 year old. Enjoy this time, have fun in Nanchang!

  9. I was at work when I got the email that referrals were coming!!! My boss told me that I WAS NOT allowed to pass out.

    My daughter is in Shichuan Province so I guess we'll all meet up in Guangzhou! :-)

  10. Congratulations on your Jiangxi referral! When you are ready to get her newspaper finding ad (with a photo months younger than her referral photos!) come visit us. We also have foster family information for her orphanage, as well as other info.

    Hope you have a speedy trip!


  11. Congratulations! I share Charlotte's birthday but I'm much older! ; ) She's beautiful.

  12. Congratulations! What a wonderful feeling!
