Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Jet Lag Blues

Oh my the jet lag is just well, lagging. Can't get past 12:30am and then I am up until 5:30am, falling asleep just when everyone is waking up. The kicker is that Charlotte is sleeping thru the night and all I  think of is what a perfect opportunity to get some sleep. Then I toss, turn, think about laundry, appointments, getting a job, not getting a job, changing my hair, wondering if Charlie Sheen is faking, you name it. Then I am back to tossing....Ugh!!! According to some travel sites I googled, it takes one day for every hour you crossed a time zone to get back on track.  So I am looking at two weeks. Ugh again!! But, people do this all the time, so I know it gets better. One day at a time.
Charlotte is doing great, better than I expected. She is even crawling. With Peter back at work today, and Connor unexpectedly home from school  ,(sent home for fever that was gone by last night) today was my first official day as a Mom of two. Lots of lounging around in pjs, long baths, naps and playtime for everyone. So far we are all still smiling despite the dust bunnies taking up permanent residence and cheerios encrusted in the couch.

Connor and the cousins waiting at the airport. Not sure if they were happy to see us or having a day off from school.  I think it was Charlotte. They are the best cousins ever, and Ryan rocks too!

One more from the airport. Charlotte had just woken up. This is also the last time I was able to lift lipstick to my lips.


  1. Jet lag really stinks; sorry you're going through it. Of course the less you sleep, the more your mind whirls back and forth and all around, so I'm sure those concerns will all sort themselves out-even Charlie Sheen :-)


  2. Ouch! Being up while everyone else was sleeping and then dragging while everyone else was awake was not the best part of coming home, I admit. Naptime could not get there fast enough! It will pass and soon everyone will be on the same schedule. Can't wait to see you once you catch up!

  3. I'm so happy she's crawling and I can't wait to see her again!!
