Thursday, April 28, 2011

Who Knows? Could Be?

When I was waiting for Charlotte for the past five years, I couldn't help but pick up every Disney Mulan related item that I saw. It just helped me seem a little closer to the little girl who would one day be my daughter. I also purchased the Chinese Barbie and a few Asian baby dolls from Corelle.  They are sitting on shelves in Charlotte's room, waiting to be opened and played with. I don't really mind if she doesn't like them. She may not even like dolls. I wanted  her to have dolls that looked like her, but I am not even sure how important that will be to her.  It just was something to hold onto while I waited , something to look at and dream about. I must admit I did like the movie Mulan, and watched it many times with Connor. I particularly like that Mulan is strong willed, beautiful, loyal, and loves her family.

Last week I put Charlotte to sleep and I am guessing she wasn't that tired. I was in the kitchen and heard her throwing her stuffed animals out of the crib, a game she plays once in a while. I checked in on her five minutes later, it was too quiet and saw she was sound asleep. Every stuffed animal was out of that crib but one, a plush Mulan doll. I'm not saying she held onto Mulan on purpose, but it was a special moment for me too see my daughter finally holding one of those dolls. And yes, I took pictures, I couldn't resist.

Everybody out!

and one stays.


  1. Sweet. She probably likes the feel of the silk, too.


  2. That is adorable! I think that she might have had a Mulan doll back in China.

  3. Hi Tricia, Jasmine does the same thing-everything gets thrown out, even her blanket.
