Saturday, November 5, 2011

Rainbows and Unicorns

As I read over my blog,  I realized that I am only putting out there in the blogsphere a portrait of my life that I like to call all rainbows and unicorns. As in only the good and easy stuff. I just want to let everyone  know there are plenty of days around here that are HARD!! Adding to our family has been a wonderful , joyful, meaningful  experience and I don't regret it one second. But I don't want anyone to think that it doesn't come without a certain amount of frustration and sheer exhaustion.
Motherhood is hard. Hard if your working. Hard if you are home all day. It is impossible , at least for me, to feel I am always doing my best as a mother all day. I always feel I should be doing more. More reading books, more crafts, more attachment, more time, more itzy bitzy spider.  Motherhood the second time around at 47 is also challenging. I have never been so tired . I don't remember bending down as much the first time around. Anyway, I know in the sheer numbers of parents out there that I am not saying anything new. This whole parenting deal for as intense and crazy as it is , is just as rewarding and is exactly what I want to be doing. I just hope Charlotte's nap schedule lasts until she is 17.

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