Wednesday, November 30, 2011

More Than Words

Words. They are coming fast and furious now. I love that each day Charlotte has added or trying to add new words. When she says more, she has now added, "More, please". That one is just the cutest, because it really sounds like "more peas". Toddler talk is c-u-t-e! She now says, up, down, bye, yeah, yay, baby, dog, mama, daddy, Gabby , (Yo Gabba), and your basic baba. Oh, the conversations we have! What I am enjoying is she doesn't say "no" yet, just shakes her head. I know it is coming, and when she is a teen , I  will tell all about the days she never said no.
Things she likes to do:
Play on my I-phone, play on my sisters I-pad. (she likes to move around the apps and plays a toddler matching game, she's not quite downloading any tunes yet).
Loves to say Anna for Annabelle when we walk in the front door from errands.
Likes to "read " books in the crib
Likes to count, she doesn't say the numbers, just the counting talk, her voice goes up , baby talk.
Still loves to dance and do her version of baby yoga. BEST downward dog I have ever seen.
Likes to mimic funny faces.
The past two days she has added an awesome fake laugh!!! She laughs really loud and really phony at something she does, (food on the floor) and that makes me laugh.

Not the most exciting of blog posts, but hey, fun times!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thankful For Playgrounds

Charlotte loves a good playground!! She loves being outside, trying news slides (the taller the better) and finally loves to be pushed on the swing. If the weather is nice, we try to get to our local parks asap. It's good for both of us to get fresh air and for Charlotte to see and meet some new friends.  As long as I have my cup of coffee, her bottle of water, were good to go! Luckily we live by four really good playgrounds, one by our local beach that we go to the most. It's our little routine and we love it! We have new friends and some old ones from just going to the park so much.  I am of course so thankful to have these special times with Charlotte. Thankful that she is now home with us, healthy, happy and growing.  I am thankful that Connor has grown to be the big brother I dreamed about for Charlotte. Loving and protective. He has done so well transitioning this year from basically being king of the house, to letting a Princess share in the love. 
We will be spending Thanksgiving with extended family. My family is healthy, we will have great food, and we will be all together. Happy Thanksgiving!!

Sunday, November 6, 2011


Here are a few pics from Halloween. We went to our friends awesome Halloween party. Every year they out do themselves with  decorations, food, fun, fun, fun!! Many of the adults like to dress in puns, so Peter thought of this one on his own. He is "Plastered"! Thankfully when most kids asked, they didn't get it and rolled their eyes.  He does all our home impovements by himself so most people just thought he was a bad spackle job. I thought he looked like Freezemeister from The Year Without A Santa Claus. Charlotte and Connor just ran around all night and had a great time. Charlotte is my daughter alright, she loves a good chip and guacamole.

Minnie was anti ears, tossed them!

Our clone trooper finally spots us at the Parkview Parade

Trick or Treating buds

Sleepy Minnie

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Rainbows and Unicorns

As I read over my blog,  I realized that I am only putting out there in the blogsphere a portrait of my life that I like to call all rainbows and unicorns. As in only the good and easy stuff. I just want to let everyone  know there are plenty of days around here that are HARD!! Adding to our family has been a wonderful , joyful, meaningful  experience and I don't regret it one second. But I don't want anyone to think that it doesn't come without a certain amount of frustration and sheer exhaustion.
Motherhood is hard. Hard if your working. Hard if you are home all day. It is impossible , at least for me, to feel I am always doing my best as a mother all day. I always feel I should be doing more. More reading books, more crafts, more attachment, more time, more itzy bitzy spider.  Motherhood the second time around at 47 is also challenging. I have never been so tired . I don't remember bending down as much the first time around. Anyway, I know in the sheer numbers of parents out there that I am not saying anything new. This whole parenting deal for as intense and crazy as it is , is just as rewarding and is exactly what I want to be doing. I just hope Charlotte's nap schedule lasts until she is 17.