Thursday, December 22, 2011

A Mother's Christmas

Preparing for Christmas as now the mother of two small children floods my mind with memories of so many Christmas' from my childhood. How did my mother put together such wonderful holidays and stay sane. My two sisters and I always had thoughtful gifts, full stockings, dinner with all the trimmings, decorations inside and out.  One year we were even disappointed that she didn't wrap our gifts, just laid them out in piles. We had the nerve to complain!!!! So then from year on in, my Mother wrapped all of our gifts without complaint. I think I believed in Santa until I was 15 because she was that good!!

My shopping and wrapping are done. The decorations are up and today was the last school holiday function. I ran out of Elf on the Shelf spots three days ago. Cards are mailed. Advent calendar has lots of open slots.  I am exhausted and we still have three days until the big day. But when I look back at the memories of Christmas my mother made for our family, I want the same for my children.  I don't remember most of the gifts, but I remember my Mother preparing and caring that we had a wonderful holiday each year.
  I still go to my parents (and sisters) homes for Christmas Eve. My saintly  husband doesn't mind that we actually pack up the car of the presents, kids, stockings and our dog to drive over 2 hours to my parents house. I am 47 and could not possibly have Christmas Eve without sleeping in the same house with my Mother and sharing Christmas with her.  I know that I am incredibly blessed to be able to do so.  Bringing my daughter for her first Christmas will make it even more special.

I hope that in my children's future Christmas memories, they realize too that the crazy shopping, errands, parties, church plays, school concerts, Grinch/Frosty/ Rudolph movies, Xmas books, food and gifts were all done because they are and always will be loved. I hope they realize what I know now. Christmas was made special because my Mother wanted it to be, because she loved us.

Just to be clear, my father was no slouch in the holiday department. I'm just coming from a Mother's perspective. With three little girls at Xmas, I am sure just once he wished one of us would ask for a baseball.
Charlotte and my Mother, Mommie

Kerry and my Mother

Poppie and Charlotte

Walking at the Cape

Saturday, December 17, 2011


One year ago today we received the greatest, sweetest email of our life. The referral call for Yi Xiao Fei came one year ago. I was so nervous that day, finally knowing who she was, what she looked like, and thinking this was actually going to happen. One year later she is sitting right next to me playing with her baby dolls (she loves!!! baby dolls) and she is our daughter. Connor's sister. She is here, forever in our family. She is such a joyful, happy, and kind little girl. We are so blessed. I love that our referral came at Christmastime. New baby, new year, new hope and happiness.

December 17, 2011

Favorite Mickey ornament

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Christmas Card Outakes

We tried getting professional Christmas pictures done, but Charlotte was not feeling it that day. She was just afraid of the photographer and cried anytime she got near her. I felt so bad for her that we just left.  I have to say the only thing Charlotte is afraid of so far is photographers, (oh, and spiders, me too!) . In fact she liked meeting Santa, just didn't like the photographer. Luckily, she knows how much her Mama likes to take pictures, so she is fine when I am the photographer.  I decided to just do them on my own and it took lots of shots. Two kids smiling and looking straight ahead is harder than I thought!!

Funny face overload

Stop Laughing, no, you stop laughing!


You want me to look up to him??? You do know he makes a lot of poopie jokes.

Put the dress down!!

See what I'm sayin'....

This is taking forever!!! No tickling!!!

And then , we used this one...

this one.....

and this one, my favorite!!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

FCC Xmas Party

Charlotte in red on left, Angela in black on right. Dancing buddies!
We attended our first FCC Christmas Party. Charlotte was not happy with the man in the red suit, but enjoyed playing with the other children, especially Angela. They kept dancing, and jumping, and more dancing. At least we worked off the pizza. Connor decorated a dozen cupcakes and was more than happy to to tell me Santa gave him a Lego he already had. Silly Santa!! So after the party, off to Target we went. Santa does his returns at Target as well.