Monday, April 30, 2012

I No Likey !!

I wonder if the makers of Legos, Squinkies, and Sippy Cup tops actually have them in their house.  I bet if they do they are kept far away on a shelf in the garage. Eight year old boys put their legos everywhere. Is there anything worse then stepping on them, owie!! Squinkies are so small and squishy, they fit nicely in the vacuum, as well as under the bed, under the couch, on the dogs bed.
Don't get me started on sippy cups, ok I am started. I usually empty the dishwasher in the morning. Putting the plastic thingy back on the lid is like lining up a Rubik's cube. It never fits. Like socks in a dryer, there is always one missing, and like a fitted sheet on a mattress, I always pick the wrong end to jam into the circle. I swear, I am a college grad, and a sippy cup is going to put me over the edge.
You might ask why I have them in MY house. I don't know. Legos and squinkies just find their way in, holidays, gifts, parties. Just walk thru the front door. Sippy cups? It's either them, or sticky floors and milky rugs.
So, that is my rant for today.  I needed to vent, thanks. Tomorrow just might be Pokeman cards, ponytail holders, and soccer cleats laces.

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