Thursday, December 30, 2010

My Best Friend , My Printer

I feel very warm and fuzzy towards my printer today. I feel very lucky to be able to download documents, applications, visa information, overnight slips with just a click. That said, it is pretty scary sending your passports in the mail to get a visa. I'm not worried about getting them back, I am worried about my picture. Not attractive at all!! The photo lady kept telling me to push my hair back behind my ears, not to smile, look serious. It is one scary shot! Will not be posting that one.

We are now waiting on TA, travel approval from China, which could take 3-6 weeks, and then we can book our flights, etc. I was told the wait until you travel from referral is hard, and being only one week in, they were right. Knowing Charlotte is well cared for is a comfort, but I just want to bring her home now.
My nine year old next door neighbor asked why we just can't get on a plane tomorrow and go get her. She's got a point. We are more than ready.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think you're supposed to look good in official shots-it's like wanting to smile for your driver's license. The wait is hard, but passes before you know it.

    Happy New Year,
